From a writer of true cult status, this is an American classic through and through. This new edition, with a smart new package and an afterword by acclaimed author Donna Tartt, will bring this masterpiece to an even broader audience.
Judul Buku: True Grit
Penulis:Charles Portis
Tanggal Terbit 2010-11-05 oleh Abrams
ISBN: 9781590206508 / 1590206509
Total Halaman: 240
Kategori Buku:Fiction
Buku Tentang: Pemrograman
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True Grit is his most famous novel--first published in 1968, and the basis for the movie of the same name starring John Wayne. It tells the story of Mattie Ross, who is just fourteen years of age when a coward going by the name of Tom Chaney shoots her father down in Fort Smith, Arkansas, and robs him of his life, his horse, and $150 in cash money. Mattie leaves home to avenge her father's blood. With the one-eyed Rooster Cogburn, the meanest available U.S. Marshal, by her side, Mattie pursues the homicide into Indian Territory. True Grit is eccentric, cool, straight, and unflinching, like Mattie herself. From a writer of true cult status, this is an American classic through and through. This new edition, with a smart new package and an afterword by acclaimed author Donna Tartt, will bring this masterpiece to an even broader audience.
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Detail Buku:
- E book telah memperoleh ranking di 19 by Google Books untuk buku True Grit
- True Grit diterbitkan oleh Abrams sejak 2010-11-05 with ISBNs. ISBN buku adalah 9781590206508 dan 1590206509
- Jumlah halaman buku "240 Pages" dan dicetak BOOK pada kategoriFiction
- Buku ditulis dalam bahasa en

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