This guide does not aim to teach you how to program (for that, see Stroustrup’s Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++, Second Edition), nor will it be the only resource you’ll need for C++ mastery (for that, see Stroustrup’s ...
Judul Buku: A Tour of C++
Penulis:Bjarne Stroustrup
Tanggal Terbit 2018-07-20 oleh Addison-Wesley Professional
ISBN: 9780134998039 / 0134998030
Total Halaman: 99999
Kategori Buku:Computers
Buku Tentang: Pemrograman
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In A Tour of C++, Second Edition, Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, describes what constitutes modern C++. This concise, self-contained guide covers most major language features and the major standard-library components—not, of course, in great depth, but to a level that gives programmers a meaningful overview of the language, some key examples, and practical help in getting started. Stroustrup presents the C++ features in the context of the programming styles they support, such as object-oriented and generic programming. His tour is remarkably comprehensive. Coverage begins with the basics, then ranges widely through more advanced topics, including many that are new in C++17, such as move semantics, uniform initialization, lambda expressions, improved containers, random numbers, and concurrency. The tour even covers some extensions being made for C++20, such as concepts and modules, and ends with a discussion of the design and evolution of C++. This guide does not aim to teach you how to program (for that, see Stroustrup’s Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++, Second Edition), nor will it be the only resource you’ll need for C++ mastery (for that, see Stroustrup’s The C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition, and recommended online sources). If, however, you are a C or C++ programmer wanting greater familiarity with the current C++ language, or a programmer versed in another language wishing to gain an accurate picture of the nature and benefits of modern C++, you can’t find a shorter or simpler introduction than this tour provides.
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Detail Buku:
- Ebook telah memiliki ranking di 23 by Google Books untuk buku A Tour of C++
- A Tour of C++ diterbitkan oleh Addison-Wesley Professional sejak 2018-07-20 with ISBNs. ISBN buku adalah 9780134998039 dan 0134998030
- Jumlah halaman buku "99999 Pages" dan dicetak BOOK pada kategoriComputers
- Buku ditulis dalam bahasa en

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