Master BeagleBone programming by doing simple electronics and Internet of Things projects About This Book Quickly develop electronics projects that interact with Internet applications using JavaScript and Python Learn about electronics ...

Judul Buku: Programming the BeagleBone
Penulis:Yogesh Chavan
Tanggal Terbit 2016-01-28 oleh Packt Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9781784399030 / 1784399035
Total Halaman: 180
Kategori Buku:Computers
Buku Tentang: Pemrograman

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Master BeagleBone programming by doing simple electronics and Internet of Things projects About This Book Quickly develop electronics projects that interact with Internet applications using JavaScript and Python Learn about electronics components such as sensors and motors, and how to communicate with them by writing programs A step-by-step guide to explore the exciting world of BeagleBone—from connecting BeagleBone to doing electronics projects and creating IoT applications Who This Book Is For If you want to learn programming on embedded systems with BeagleBone by doing simple electronics projects, this book is for you. This book is also helpful to BeagleBone owners who want to quickly implement small-scale home automation solutions. It is assumed that you have familiarity with C and Python programming. Some familiarity with electronics is helpful but not essential. What You Will Learn Connect your BeagleBone to a computer in different ways and get the Cloud9 IDE running to quick-start programming on the BeagleBone Get to know about BeagleBone extension pins such as GPIO and how to connect various electronics components with BeagleBone Read and write to various electronics components such as LED, Push-button, sensors, and motors Grasp in-depth theory on Analog, PWM, and BUS programming and the electronics components used in programs Handle data to and from various BUS supporting modules such as UART, I2C, and SPI using the Adafruit BBIO Python library Write real-life IoT applications in JavaScript and Python such as shooting an e-mail on overheat and controlling a servo motor remotely Make use of online free cloud services to store and analyze sensor data collected on the BeagleBone Discover what else can be done using the BeagleBone Get to grips with embedded system BUS communication In Detail The whole world is moving from desktop computers to smartphones and embedded systems. We are moving towards utilizing Internet of Things (IoT). An exponential rise in the demand for embedded systems and programming in the last few years is driving programmers to use embedded development boards such as Beaglebone. BeagleBone is an ultra-small, cost-effective computer that comes with a powerful hardware. It runs a full-fledged Debian Linux OS and provides numerous electronics solutions. BeagleBone is open source and comes with an Ethernet port, which allows you to deploy IoT projects without any additions to the board. It provides plenty of GPIO, Anlaog pins, and UART, I2C, SPI pins which makes it the right choice to perform electronics projects. This gives you all the benefits of Linux kernel such as multitasking, multiusers, and extensive device driver support. This allows you to do programming in many languages including high-level languages such as JavaScript and Python. This book aims to exploit the hardware and software capabilities of BeagleBone to create real-life electronics and IoT applications quickly. It is divided into two parts. The first part covers JavaScript programs. The second part provides electronics projects and IoT applications in Python. First, you will learn to use BeagleBone as tool to write useful applications on embedded systems. Starting with the basics needed to set up BeagleBone and the Cloud9 IDE, this book covers interfacing with various electronics components via simple programs. The electronics theory related to these components is then explained in depth before you use them in a program. Finally, the book helps you create some real-life IoT applications. Style and approach An easy-to-follow guide full of real-world electronics programs and quick troubleshooting tips using BeagleBone. All the required electronics concepts are explained in detail before using them in a program and all programs are explained in depth. Most of the theory is covered in the first part; while the second part gives you some quick programs.

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Berjudul: Programming the BeagleBone

Detail Buku:
  1. Ebook telah memperoleh rating pada 16 by Google Books untuk buku Programming the BeagleBone
  2. Programming the BeagleBone diterbitkan oleh Packt Publishing Ltd sejak 2016-01-28 with ISBNs. ISBN buku adalah 9781784399030 dan 1784399035
  3. Jumlah halaman buku "180 Pages" dan dicetak BOOK pada kategoriComputers
  4. Buku ditulis dalam bahasa en

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