This book provides coverage of various forms of IPC, including message passing, synchronization, shared memory, and Remote Procedure Calls (RPC).

Judul Buku: UNIX Network Programming: Interprocess communications
Penulis:W. Richard Stevens
Tanggal Terbit 1999 oleh Prentice Hall
ISBN: 9780130810816 / 0130810819
Total Halaman: 558
Kategori Buku:Computers
Buku Tentang: Pemrograman

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Well-implemented interprocess communications (IPC) are key to the performance of virtually every non-trivial UNIX program. This book provides coverage of various forms of IPC, including message passing, synchronization, shared memory, and Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). It offers a basic introduction to IPC and the problems it is intended to solve.

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Berjudul: UNIX Network Programming: Interprocess communications

Detail Buku:
  1. Ebook telah memperoleh rating di 3 by Google Books untuk buku UNIX Network Programming: Interprocess communications
  2. UNIX Network Programming: Interprocess communications diterbitkan oleh Prentice Hall sejak 1999 with ISBNs. ISBN buku adalah 9780130810816 dan 0130810819
  3. Jumlah halaman buku "558 Pages" dan dicetak BOOK pada kategoriComputers
  4. Buku ditulis dalam bahasa en

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