Mastering Visual Basic is an ideal introduction to the most popular Windows programming language. The book focuses on the essential skills needed to produce fully-functional applications using Microsoft Visual Basic.

Judul Buku: Mastering Visual Basic
Penulis:Stephen Saxon,Diane Saxon
Tanggal Terbit 1997-11-11 oleh Macmillan International Higher Education
ISBN: 9781349145256 / 1349145254
Total Halaman: 224
Kategori Buku:Computer science
Buku Tentang: Bahasa Pemrograman

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Mastering Visual Basic is an ideal introduction to the most popular Windows programming language. The book focuses on the essential skills needed to produce fully-functional applications using Microsoft Visual Basic. It is written in an easy to follow style, illustrated throughout with actual screen shots and contains many practical exercises and projects. New users need only a basic knowledge of the Windows environment to start creating exciting visual applications. The book is suitable for individual study or classroom use and will be of value to those new to programming and to existing programmers wishing to make the switch to Visual Basic.

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kalian berada di tempat yang tepat! Miliki ebook Mastering Visual Basic oleh:Stephen Saxon,Diane Saxon.

Berjudul: Mastering Visual Basic

Detail Buku:
  1. E book telah memiliki posisi pada 8 by Google Books untuk buku Mastering Visual Basic
  2. Mastering Visual Basic diterbitkan oleh Macmillan International Higher Education sejak 1997-11-11 with ISBNs. ISBN buku adalah 9781349145256 dan 1349145254
  3. Jumlah halaman buku "224 Pages" dan dicetak BOOK pada kategoriComputer science
  4. Buku ditulis dalam bahasa en

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