Though some technical material is included for background and flavor, it is not a technical dictionary; what we describe here is the language hackers use among themselves for fun, social communication, and technical debate.
Judul Buku: The Hacker's Dictionary
Penulis:Eric S. Raymond
Tanggal Terbit 2017-06-19 oleh Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN: 9781548201579 / 154820157X
Total Halaman: 508
Kategori Buku:
Buku Tentang: Bahasa Pemrograman
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This document is a collection of slang terms used by various subcultures of computer hackers. Though some technical material is included for background and flavor, it is not a technical dictionary; what we describe here is the language hackers use among themselves for fun, social communication, and technical debate.
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Detail Buku:
- Buku telah memiliki posisi di 6 by Google Books untuk buku The Hacker's Dictionary
- The Hacker's Dictionary diterbitkan oleh Createspace Independent Publishing Platform sejak 2017-06-19 with ISBNs. ISBN buku adalah 9781548201579 dan 154820157X
- Jumlah halaman buku "508 Pages" dan dicetak BOOK pada kategori
- Buku ditulis dalam bahasa en

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