Written with the same approach that earned the first edition rave reviews, the author first emphasizes short, simple examples that are easy to enter; then, within a couple of chapters, he has you creating useful utilities, playing games, ...

Judul Buku: C++ Without Fear
Penulis:Brian Overland
Tanggal Terbit 2015-12-15 oleh Prentice Hall
ISBN: 9780134299686 / 013429968X
Total Halaman:
Kategori Buku:
Buku Tentang: Pemrograman

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If you've always wanted to learn how to program a computer, or to learn the widely used C++ programming language in particular, C++ Without Fear, Third Edition, offers an ideal way to get you started. Written with the same approach that earned the first edition rave reviews, the author first emphasizes short, simple examples that are easy to enter; then, within a couple of chapters, he has you creating useful utilities, playing games, and using the computer to solve interesting puzzles. His approach is a welcome departure from many programming texts, which quickly get bogged down in complex and sometimes meaningless examples. You'll find here, patiently explained and clearly illustrated, everything you need to learn programming quickly, and to have fun doing it! Yes, programming can be a complex task, and C++ is a language often used by professionals. In fact, many of the coolest games, graphics, and Internet applications are created with C++, and it's even been used on the Mars rovers. But the language, like the monster pictured on the cover, need not be all that fearsome. Broken down to its essentials, and enhanced by simple examples, practical exercises, and the whys and tricks behind each language feature, you'll be amazed at the rapid progress you can make.

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Berjudul: C++ Without Fear

Detail Buku:
  1. Ebook telah memperoleh ranking di 35 by Google Books untuk buku C++ Without Fear
  2. C++ Without Fear diterbitkan oleh Prentice Hall sejak 2015-12-15 with ISBNs. ISBN buku adalah 9780134299686 dan 013429968X
  3. Jumlah halaman buku " Pages" dan dicetak BOOK pada kategori
  4. Buku ditulis dalam bahasa en

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